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Handling the N+1 Problem

Enhance subgraph performance with the dataloader pattern

developers often encounter the "N+1 problem" with that return a list. Consider this TopReviews query:

query TopReviews {
topReviews(first: 10) {
product {

In a monolithic , the execution engine takes these steps:

  1. Resolve the Query.topReviews , which returns a list of Reviews.
  2. For each Review, resolve the Review.product field.

If Query.topReviews returns ten reviews, then the executor resolves Review.product field ten times. If the Reviews.product field makes a database or REST query for a single Product, then there are ten unique calls to the . This is suboptimal for the following reasons:

  • Fetching all products in a single query is more efficient—for example, SELECT * FROM products WHERE id IN (<product ids>).
  • If any reviews refer to the same product, then resources are wasted fetching data that was already retrieved.

The N+1 problem in a federated graph

Consider the same TopReviews with the Product type as an defined in Reviews and Products .

Reviews subgraph
type Query {
topReviews(first: Int): [Review]
type Review {
id: ID
rating: Int
product: Product
type Product @key(fields: "id") {
id: ID
Products subgraph
type Product @key(fields: "id") {
id: ID!
name: String
imageUrl: String

Most implementations use reference resolvers to returns the entity object corresponding to a key. Although this pattern is straightforward, it can diminish performance when a client operation requests from many entities. Recall the topReviews query, now in the context of a federated :

query TopReviews {
topReviews(first: 10) { # Defined in Reviews subgraph
product { # ⚠️ NOT defined in Reviews subgraph

The executes two queries:

  1. Fetch all fields except and Product.imageURL from the Reviews subgraph.
  2. Fetch each product's name and imageURL from the Products subgraph.

In the Products subgraph, the reference for Product doesn't take a list of keys but rather a single key. Therefore, the subgraph library calls the reference resolver once for each key:

// Products subgraph
const resolvers = {
Product: {
__resolveReference(productRepresentation) {
return fetchProductByID(;
// ...other resolvers...

A basic fetchProductByID function might make a database call each time it's called. If you need to resolve for N different products, this results in N database calls. These calls are made in addition to the call made by the Reviews subgraph to fetch the initial list of reviews and the id of each product. This problem can cause performance problems or even enable denial-of-service attacks.

Query planning to handle N+1 queries

By default, the router's handles N+1 queries for entities like the Product type. The for the TopReviews operation works like this:

  1. First, the router fetches the list of Reviews from the Reviews subgraph using the root field Query.topReviews. The router also asks for the id of each associated product.
  2. Next, the router extracts the Product entity references and fetches them in a batch to the Products subgraph's Query._entities root field.
  3. After the router gets back the Product entities, it merges them into the list of Reviews, indicated by the Flatten step.

Fetch (reviews)
Fetch (products)
Flatten (topReviews,[],products)

Most subgraph implementations (including @apollo/subgraph) don't write the Query._entities resolver directly. Instead, they use the reference resolver API for resolving an individual entity reference:

const resolvers = {
Product: {
__resolveReference(productRepresentation) {
return fetchProductByID(;

The motivation for this API relates to a subtle, critical aspect of the subgraph specification: the order of resolved entities must match the order of the given entity references. If the entities are returned in the wrong order, those fields are merged with the wrong entities, leading to incorrect results. To avoid this issue, most subgraph libraries handle entity order for you.

Because order matters, it reintroduces the N+1 query problem: in the example above, fetchProductByID gets called once for each entity reference.

The dataloader pattern solution

The solution for the N+1 problem—whether for federated or —is the dataloader pattern. For example, in an implementation, using dataloaders could look like this:

const resolvers = {
Product: {
__resolveReference(product, context) {
return context.dataloaders.products(;

With dataloaders, when the query planner calls the Products subgraph with a batch of Product entities, the router makes a single batched request to the Products data source.

Nearly every GraphQL server library provides a dataloader implementation, and Apollo recommends using it in every resolver, even those that aren't for entities or don't return a list.

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